WebDiscussions is place to share your thoughts about social media and the wider internet. We welcome metacommentary on specific sites, such as Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube, as well as on the internet more broadly as a whole.
Posts to this community should be on topic for the subject of websites and using the internet. This means that more general subjects not rooted to that theme are off-topic. For example, a post that's just about a conflict between ordinary users is off-topic for this community. Posts about remarks by social media CEOs, announcements from site staff, and major moderation calls can be on topic, but please exercise discretion on this front.
When posting or reblogging to this community, tag your posts accordingly, such as with the site name, general subject matter (moderation, privacy, lawsuit, site features, etc.), and the name of any relevant public figures. If necessary, the mods may issue a tag reminder over mail or in the comments. Members who are not willing to comply with these tag reminders will be banned.
- This community does not allow the endorsement of systemic bigotry. This includes racism, misogyny, heterosexism, cissexism, and so on.
- Moderation in this community primarily takes place at the post level, with post authors being the ones with control over comments.
- With that said: Aim to treat others fairly. Please refrain from speaking for others, making assumptions, engaging in personal speculation, or participating in dogpiles, whether here or offsite. When two or more users have already engaged to disagree with another user, hold off and give that user time to respond in order to avoid overwhelming them. The same applies to following links offsite. Members who exhibit a pattern of participating in dogpiles or comment flooding should be reported to the mods.
- WebDiscussions is a sister comm to PillowfortDiscussions, intended for similar discussions that happen to be about a different part of the internet (or just more general in scope). As such, please no Pillowfort-specific posts here. Instead, those posts should be made/reblogged to PillowfortDiscussions.
The moderators for this community are: