What is the Triad Verse?
The Triad Verse is an alternate universe (AU) where humankind has developed to normalize triads (relationships consisting of three individuals), rather than couples. Couples can and do form, but they are considered “incomplete” relationships. In most versions of triad verse, couples are unable to marry, but triads are allowed to marry. Bisexuality is also normalized, while monosexual people are less common and more marginalized.
This community is inspired by a similar Tumblr: Triad Verse. Their primer post is here. I have a few triadverse posts that I put on my Tumblr. I'm planning to post them to my personal blog here, and then reblog to this community.
Headcanons, meta, fanart, fanfic, and other Triadverse content is welcome. For fic to count as Triadverse, it needs to take place in an AU where triads are the default relationship goal. Fanart gets more wiggle room because it's harder to convey a Triadverse setting in a piece of art.
In terms of behavior, be kind to each other, don't insult others' headcanons/fanfic/fanart. Your preferences are not universal to everyone. "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all."
The moderators for this community are: