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Welcome to the realm of the Sith. There will be no Jedi apologism here.
Any Sith from any eras, Legends and Disney canon, Sith ocs, Sith AUs, fan art, fic fics, metas, playlists and any other Sithly stuff you can think of is welcome here.
Sticky Posts
1. Stay on topic.
This is a comm about the Sith. The mod allows different interpretations and ways of engaging with this interest, including negativity and complaints (yes, yes, let the hate flow through you), but please stay on topic. However, as this is a Sith comm, criticism of *mere interest* in the Sith itself is...not encouraged and will be...dealt with at the discretion of the mod. Do you think the Sith were the worst, but just enjoy how evil they are? Welcome! Do you want to reimagine your favorite Sith as morally grey, or even good characters? Welcome! Do you want to...sigh...reimagine your favorite Jedi as Sith? I guess...I will allow this.
2. No Jedi apologism.
Additionally, while this admin bears no ill will to people who prefer the Jedi over the Sith, and indeed does not interpret the Sith to be morally better than the Jedi, I do mean what I said about the Jedi apologism. No Jedi apologism. For example, I particularly dislike arguments such as 'well sure the Jedi had slaves, but they didn't treat them as bad as the Sith so that makes it okay' or 'since the Sith did terrible things to the Jedi we can just ignore all the terrible things the Jedi brazenly did to common civilians throughout the canon'. Attempts to bring up such arguments here will therefore be...dealt with accordingly. Do you want to discuss 'the Sith did this bad thing and it was bad and I don't like it'? That's a complaint about the Sith and it's not Jedi apologism, so that's okay! Do you want to discuss 'The Sith did this bad thing so that makes the bad things that the Jedi did to others who had nothing to do with the Sith okay' or 'the Sith did this terrible thing to the Jedi and I want to complain about how people criticize the Jedi because the Sith are worse'? No! Stop! Not permitted! Violators of this rule will be...dealt with.
3. Tag, warn, and put content under a cut when appropriate.
Tag any explicit violence or explicit sexual content, and mark any explicit sexual content nsfw. Also tag any explicit sexual violence with any relevant tags. I'm talking about anything higher than a pg-13 rating here. Please place any potentially upsetting content under a cut as well. Use your best judgement. I will generally just warn you if I think you made an honest mistake, but will also remove content that I feel violates this rule at my discretion (that is, the warning will be in addition to the removal, not instead of it).
4. Don't harass others.
Do not harass other comm users. This includes behaving in a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise oppressive manner. Whatever your thoughts on the Rule of Two edict are, know that I do not encourage its tenets of elimination to be actively employed on this comm. I will use my discretion in handling this issue, but violators of this rule may be...eliminated from this space.
I'm unspeakablehorror, the current admin and mod for this comm. Bunny-loverxiv is no longer modding the comm, but has been asked by me to stay listed in the interface to avoid potential issues with comm bugs. Please direct any questions or comments about the comm to me (unspeakablehorror) from here on out.
Hope you have fun!
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