Posts are approved by the Teyviary Collective
The Rules
1. Image descriptions are required for any pictures in your post
2. Rate your content using the rating tags (detailed below)
3. No NSFW. Zero explicit material; minimal suggestiveness; non-sexual swearing is fine (ex: non-sexual "fuck" and "MFer")
4. English only (mod system can only moderate in English, lol sry - feel free to make versions of this community in other languages if you want!)
5. If a member of this community is harassing you or someshit, tell the mods (and also report to Pillowfort ofc)
6. Obviously no bigotry etc etc
7. No MAPs
8. Absolutely no generative AI "art" (Adobe claims theirs is ethically-trained but it still destroys the planet so, nope!)
The Info
1. Rate your content using the tags below:
★ Rated G is for everyone
★ Rated PG is not for young kids
★ Rated PG-13 is not for kids under 13 (ex: lots of swearing but nothing graphic, scary imagery like you might find in a creepypasta, minor blood and violence, etc)
★ Rated MA is for dark subject matter that isn't graphic or NSFW (ex: non-graphic vent art alluding to CSA, moderate blood and violence, etc)
2. Pinned tags are for easy sorting - the "Art by Plurals" tag is for art stuff your system has made that isn't of or about the system itself
3. If you didn't make your system art, include credit to the artist
4. If your art is a YouTube video with subtitles that are Not just the auto-generated stuff, you can also post it to our Plural YouTubers with Subtitles - No NSFW community!
5. Currently posting up to 5 submissions per account per day
The Mod System
We don't talk much, but we're adding this part because we figure people will want to know something about who's moderating this stuff
★ the Teyviary Collective (sounds like "aviary" but with a T)
★ queer, trans, neurodivergent, multiracial black & brown, disabled, etc etc
★ call us "system members," "systemfolk," & "Teyvians" - never "headmates," "alters," "parts," etc (feel free to use those for yourselves - just not for us)
★ more info:
Rules are subject to change as needed
(Note: The mods do not consent to any past abuser violating no-contact in any way, for any reason. If we can't confirm that you aren't a past abuser trying to block-evade Again with Yet Another new username, then we may not interact with you - sorry!)
The moderators for this community are: