Rules: (violation will lead to the removal of posts & a warning, with 3 strike system.)
Rule 1: No hate speech, no individual/personal attacks This includes call out posts
Rule 2: Don't post irrelevant posts
1. Any sort of discussion posts related to Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries are welcome. Readers are encouraged to respond, either with further posts of their own or by commenting and sharing the post.
2. Fanworks of all kinds, whether posted directly, or linked to elsewhere. Rec posts are also encouraged!
3. Announcements of Miss Fisher related events, fests, challenges, etc. are welcome.
Rule 3: Keep all conversation respectful!
Fandom is for fun. Please don't harsh anyone else's squee. Instead, help us make this community a place that people enjoy visiting and engaging with.
Guideline 1: Tag all posts with the tag "Community: MissFisherFans" and the post type, such as the following:
fan video
Further tags can include character names, actor names, episodes, or whatever else the post's about. Please use tags that people can search on or filter by.
Mod Notes:
1. Please contact a mod if a post violates rules, do not engage further with the post. This can be done via the community flag function in the post or via the Mail message.
3. Any update to these Rules will include a post made to the community, explaining the change. Mod posts can be found through the MissFisherModPost tag.
The moderators for this community are: