This community is focused on helping people find (existing*) comments. To contribute to this community, you are invited to reblog 1) hitching posts & 2) posts with a high volume of discussion on them. "High volume of discussion" is defined here by either of the following: either 5+ users participating in a discussion or 10+ discussion comments. "Discussion" here means comments with substantive, full sentences -- as opposed to short comments, like "+1" or "nice" or "thanks," which do not count toward this total. Use your best judgement in edge cases. Remember that the purpose of this community is so that people can find existing discussions to read or join. Discussion doesn't necessarily mean longwinded or serious, though. A pun war can also qualify.
* If you have a question post and don't have many answers yet, consider reblogging to Sleepover.
You can reblog both your own posts & other users' posts to this community. If you are reblogging someone else's post, you may want to check their fort brochure to see if they have a policy about reblogging to communities.
Please tag your reblogs by topic, including any relevant content warnings for blacklisting purposes. For example, content warnings may be necessary for posts touching on topics such as self-harm, abuse, death, violence, and so on; sensitive topics are allowed here as long as you are considerate about them. Remember, reblogging on Pillowfort doesn't automatically carry over the OP's tags. If necessary, a mod may ask you to add certain tags to your reblog.
All posts here should be reblogs -- not original posts made directly to the community (with the exception of housekeeping/announcements). If you have questions about the community and how it should be used, you can mail a moderator.
Topic restrictions:
Posts about Pillowfort itself are allowed under certain conditions. Besides meeting the high volume requirement, these posts should be at least 5 days old and should be posts by users, not the PF Staff account.
No self-promotion posts. Those posts are best made to communities like Active_Users or to topic-specific communities, which you can find through the database at CommunityAds. The idea of FindComments is to help people find existing comments, not just to invite comments.
No reprehensible content or excessively inflammatory posts. Examples of excessively inflammatory posts may include posts in all caps, posts with an excessively hostile and insulting tone, or posts based on personal attacks. Examples of reprehensible content may include posts that violate the Pillowfort Terms of Service and deserve to be reported anyway. This rule will be applied at the mods' discretion. Note, this absolutely does not equal "arguments and controversial topics are not allowed," and it does not mean that disagreements need to be kept to a certain tone. It only means that the original posts themselves (the part that shows when you reblog, not the comment section below) should not cross this line. If something reblogged here is causing a problem or turns out to be excessively objectionable to the community members, the mods reserve the right to remove it.
The moderators for this community are: