Rule 0: If it's against Pillowfort's Terms of Service, it's not allowed here. If you see TOS violations before mods can get to it please alert staff.
Rule 1: 18+ or age of majority in your country, whichever is higher, only. Don't even joke about being underage. When it comes to the content Pifo's TOS applies, so no sexualizing actual minors and no obviously underage drawings.
Rule 2: Be respectful to your fellow community members and staff.
Rule 3: This community is for captions, erotica, and generally combinations of text and imagery for female submissive and submissives stories. Content should reflect that and the focus of a story should be a female submissive or submissives.
Rule 4: If it isn't against the Pillowfort TOS or this community's rules, do not criticize others for their kinks. Use your tag blacklist to not see content you don't like. If we don't have a standardized tag for something and you would like one, talk to a mod.
Rule 5: Label your NSFW posts NSFW, as this is a NSFW community. Also tag your posts so people can blacklist stuff they really don't want to see.
Some standardized community tags:
*Femsub - Female submissive. This isn't needed given this is a community dedicated to it, but it's always helpful.
*Degrading - Captions and content degrading to women as a fantasy aren't banned, but need this tag.
*Noncon - Non-consensual. This isn't wholly banned as a fantasy for caption content either, but needs this tag. Note if a post violates Pillowfort's TOS it isn't allowed here either.
Rule 6: If you're doing a dump from your archives from your blog or elsewhere, please try to keep the dump to five posts/day so as to not overwhelm the community.
Rule 7: Some self promotion or promotion for related communities is fine. If you're making a post that's purely self promotional, try to keep it to once every couple weeks. If you just put a small line or two of self promo at the end of a normal post, like links to your commissions or your own communities, that's fine so long as it doesn't violate other rules.
Can I post only pictures?
This is a community for captions and erotica, so pictures with no text, or no meaningful caption text in the pictures, is not permitted.
Can I post only text?
While this isn't preferred, erotica without an image isn't banned.
Can I use real life porn images for captions?
Yes, so long as all other rules are followed.
Can I use art for captions?
Yes, so long as all other rules are followed.
Is malesub allowed?
This is not a malesub community, so it shouldn't be a prominent part of things posted here. Incidental malesub mentions in a story are likely fine, however.
Is femdom allowed?
If the focus is on a submissive who is female, yes.
Can I post content that degrades women?
Captions about degrading women as a fantasy are allowed so long as the Degrading tag is used. Actual misogyny or advocacy for it are not permitted.
How are violations of the rules handled?
Rule violations will be judged on a Good Faith basis. If a rule is accidentally broken in good faith we'll let you know so the issue can be fixed or remove the post. Malicious rule violators will be banned.
The moderators for this community are: