Hello there! I am Sangria! A cute squeaky serpent that will whisper sweet nothings to you!
My specialty is hypnosis, audio plays, and voice work! I'll be posting my works here from time to time, I hope you like them!The kinds of hypnosis I tend to do is of the calming, soothing variety, though I will do some lewd ones if the mood strikes me. I also like to work in a lot of positive reinforcement into my files to try and make the listener feel good in general.DISCLAMER: This is something I want to put out there. While I make my files to help people relax and feel better I am in no way a therapist or mental healthcare professional. If my files help you that's wonderful but my work is not to be used as a substitute for therapy. If you are suffering from severe anxiety or depression then please talk to your doctor or therapist. Im not a doctor, im just a snake who likes to say nice things.
Also check out my new YouTube channel with my audios on it.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr....._as=subscriberAlso check out my Patreon!
https://plush.city/web/accounts/14213Warning: These are hypnosis files meant to put you in a trance like state and give you mental suggestions. Please don't listen to any file you don't feel comfortable with.
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