Let's see if this will give you a clue about me: I I'm a bisexual/pansexual woman married to a bisexual genderfluid guy with 4 rats, 2 cats, and a tree named Grumpy Mr. Lemon (RIP). I am a hearth witch who was flicked about the ear by Odin but loves Loki and Frigg as well. I crochet, embroider, cook, fail at baking, game, watch movies, research stuff just because, wear a giant black hat with lots of hat pins, fight with my anxiety/depression and PTSD, and entertain the kind of Ideas that my spouse throws his body in front of to prevent getting my ass arrested and rips in the space/time continuum.
I do not suffer nazis. I get VIOLENT with nazis. I have no regrets about this. I also point said violence towards pedos, rapists, terfs, and bullies. If you are MAGA, you fit any number of those categories, so, really, just stay away.
Also, intersectional feminism is the thing here. If your feminism leaves out WOC, transwomen, nonbinary, etc, then you're not a feminist, your an asshole. Go away.
I am fiercely protective of my friends and loved ones and will try to help anyone in need, even if it's just lending an ear.
My blog does not have a theme. Subject to change.
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